Conference Talk about UI Framework Google Flutter at Devoxx UK 2022
Between March 2021 and October 2023, I gave 18 talks at the biggest Java conferences in Germany and the UK. This is my DevoxxUK talk from May 2022 on Flutter, a cross-platform UI framework from Google for mobile, web & desktop.
InfoQ Article: Spring Boot 3.2 and Spring Framework 6.1 (2024)
I'm a Veteran Editor on the Java InfoQ team. InfoQ has 1.2 million monthly readers. I write shorter news items, longer articles, and edit articles from external authors. Here's my article on the Spring Boot 3.2 and Spring Framework 6.1 releases from November 2023, including an interview with Spring Core Committer Sébastien Deleuze.
VIEW INFOQ ARTICLESpecification (2020)
This is a specification for a fictitious web application that manually imports customer data from an Excel spreadsheet. The document specifies an automated import.
VIEW AS PDFJHipster Tutorial: Step-By-Step Instructions (2019)
My third and final part of the JHipster tutorial has step-by-step instructions for importing the project into IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse, running it and inspecting the code. The tutorial has over 100 screenshots.
VIEW TUTORIALIssue Report (2019)
This is a bug report for JHipster, a Java code generator that I've used in several projects. It created the wrong code under some circumstances. To reproduce the issue, I set up a sample JHipster project and then filed this bug.